Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Baby Borrowers on NBC

There was a new TV show on last night. It is called The Baby Borrowers. The tag line is, "It's not T.V., it's birth control." It is a reality based show where parents let teen-agers see what it is like firsthand, to care for a baby. I admit I didn't watch it, but the idea is a little scary to me. I mean the babies are as young as 6 months old. And the parents just hand them over to a teenage couple? I thought that the first months of life were the most impressionable on kids. And these parents decided that this social experiment was best for their new babies? Odd, to say the least. I am sure that NBC's deep pockets had an influence on the parents choice. I personally would not hand my baby boys over to a couple of kids to see if they could handle it.

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