Thursday, November 15, 2007

Deer Statues in the Yard

I don't know if it is a country thing, or an Ohio thing, but for whatever reason I seem to be seeing more and more yards with those lifesize concrete (I assume concrete is the material) deer lawn ornaments. I have come up with a basic safety and maintenance checklist for anyone who has these on their lawn.

1. keep them away from the road. I have slammed on my brakes on at least one occasion when I saw one of these statues near the road and thought it was real.

2. If its antlers, ears, or head breaks off, it is time for a new deer statue. Deer statues without heads don't look real.

3. If the paint is chipping off in large chunks, it is also time for a new deer statue or possibly a paint job. half painted, and half concrete colored deer statues are not very realistic.


4. For goodness sakes... mow under them. 10 inches of grass growing up underneath them is a dead giveaway for a deer statue.

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