Monday, October 22, 2007

Proposed New Law

Michigan lawmakers have proposed a law that would ban sex crime parolees from "participating in any way" in Halloween. Here is the story. Excuse me? This means they cannot hand out candy, or even leave their porch light on on October 31st. They cannot be serious. Believe me, I dont want sex-offenders around my kids, but preventing a person from celebrating halloween? And telling someone it is against the law to have their porch light on? I have no sympathy for any person convicted of a sex crime, but this is getting crazy. I have a great idea... If you are concerned that your children's safety might be compromised by ringing the doorbell of a convicted sex-offender. 1. Check on-line for sex-offenders that live near you. If you have kids, you should have done this already. You can do that HERE. 2. Don't let your kids go trick-or-treating by themselves, and 3. Only take them to houses of people you know. Take some responsibility for your kids safety. Lets let people leave their porch lights on if they wish. Also, vote in my poll please ------->

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