Monday, October 22, 2007

My Son is a Transformer

C1 told me today on the way home from school that he can transform into 3 different things. I was puzzled. He asked me to guess what he transformed into during his pre-school class today. I said "A truck?". He said no, he can only transform into Sharp Claw, a Lion or Spiderman. So I guessed that he had transformed into Spiderman during class. He said "nope, it was a Lion". I have no idea who or what Sharp Claw is. He showed me how he could "transform" into each character. It was very impressive (for me maybe, but probably very anti-climactic for others). You see, he has a transformer toy or 2 at Granny's, and we saw the Transformer cartoon on TV the other day, and the movie just came out on video, so he is being bombarded with "Transformers... More than meets the eye!" I wish he would transform into a maid, cook, or landscaper.

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