Monday, May 14, 2007
Mohawk haircuts. During my childhood, when I saw another kid with a Mohawk haircut, I thought to myself... "wow that kid is a rebel". As I grew older, and saw a kid with a Mohawk, I thought... "wow, that kid is begging for attention". Then a few decades pass by and the only place I saw a Mohawk haircut was at Pine Knob/DTE Music Theater (the Mohawk was not in the crowd, but on the stage as part of The Village People act). Well, at least here in Willard, the Mohawk is making a comeback. Last week, while subbing, I saw a Kindergarten boy with the crazy hairdo. I wondered why his parent(s) would do such a thing. Obviously, a 5 year old didn't ask for the ridiculous hair stripe on his head. At that point I thought I had seen it all. Until today... as I walked up to C1's preschool to drop him off, I see a classmate of C1's with that darn Mohawk haircut. Another parent said (very politely I must say), "That is a cute hair cut". The mother of the Mohawk preschooler said "Thank you, it is a tradition." On a side note, the kid is 3 years old... NOTHING IS A TRADITION YET! Anyway, she also mentioned that all the kids on his T-ball team were doing it. OK, C1, is on a T-ball team, and my son will never get a Mohawk haircut until at the least, he can decide for himself that he wants one, and more likely he is 18, and I am not legally responsible for him. I mentioned the "do" to C1's teacher when I picked him up and she mentioned that they had sent the Kindergartner home due to his distracting hairstyle. No word on whether C1's classmate will get the same treatment. I am all for self expression, but the kid is 3 years old. Now, when I see a Mohawk on a preschooler I think... "That boys parent(s) must be begging for attention". And if by some chance, the parents of the Mohawk boy happen to Google "Preschool+Mohawk+Willard+ridiculous+irresponsible" and see this entry in my blog, yes, I disapprove of you cutting your 3 year old's hair into a Mohawk.
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