Thursday, April 26, 2007

Parent/Teacher Conferences and the Bud Club

T and I went to Parent Teacher Conferences for C1's preschool on Tuesday. We were told that he is a very good student and in most areas he is doing great. Not to sound conceited, but we expected that. C1 is a great kid. Well, we also were informed of some areas for improvement. Mrs. L said that he needs work on his writing of numbers and letters. We thought... OK that is something we can work on him with. Then she told us even more unexpected. C1 sometimes disrupts class with talking while the teacher is talking, not following directions, and not keeping his hands to himself. That was disappointing to say the least. His teacher mentioned that she has recently had to put him in Timeout because of his behavior. This is not good. We had a sit down conversation with C1 and explained to him what our expectations were. He seemed to understand and his teacher said Wednesday was much better. Then today, when I picked him up, I asked his teacher if his behavior has improved, and she said "not today, I had to put him in Timeout again for being disruptive". We just got finished with the "consequences" conversation. We'll see how that works.

C1 informed T and I yesterday that he has formed a Bud Club. I said "what?" He said that 3 other boys in his class were in his Bud Club. I then asked who came up with that idea and he said he did. Then he told me the names of the boys that were in the club and a couple boys names that were not in the club because they were "mean". He also mentioned that girls were not allowed because they didn't have muscles. I asked him what exactly a club was and he said he didn't know. So, I am not sure exactly how much of this was his idea, but it sure made T and I laugh.

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