Wednesday, January 17, 2007


C1s favorite toy right now is (I'm not sure of the actual name of it, but...) the large rubber ball with a handle that you sit on and bounce around on. We call it the bouncy ball. He loves it! He bounces more than he walks around. He fell asleep with it in his bed last night... awwww. Another thing... The boys and I were going to the store yesterday and it was snowing big huge snowflakes and they were whizzing past C1's window. C1 said, "Dad, who is throwing snowballs at us?" I tried to explain to him about snow but he didn't understand, so I said "C1, Mother Nature is throwing snowballs at us." As you can probably guess, his next question was... "Dad, who is Mother Nature?"

I have just been informed the correct name of our "bouncy ball" is a "Hippity Hop".

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