Thursday, December 07, 2006

Ohio Smoking Ban

Today the entire state of Ohio goes Non-Smoking. T and I have been talking about this for awhile. Even in Michigan we were proponents of banning smoking. We never heard much talk about it in Michigan, but after we moved here last year, we found out it would be on this past November's ballot. T and I were excited. What this means is: Absolutely no smoking in any public building or place of employment... with the exception of tobacco shops, designated smoking hotel rooms, and designated resident only smoking rooms in a nursing home. This means no smoking in bowling alleys or even bars. While in Ohio, you will never be asked "Smoking or Non?" again, when you go out to a restaurant. I know, I know, people say smokers have rights too, but studies have proven time and time agian that second hand smoke can be very unhealthy, and non smokers have the right to go bowling or into a bar and not subject themselves to smoke. One day, I bet every state will ban smoking.

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