Thursday, August 17, 2006

Kid #2 gets the shaft?

Hello, my name is C2. I was wondering, is it me, or am I getting the shaft? You see, I am the second kid in our family and even though I am only 7 1/2 months old, I was beginning to think I was getting the short end of the stick here. For instance, I wear all of C1's old clothes. C1 got all bright and shiny new clothes, and I get the hand-me-downs. C1 has 2 CD's that feature his name in all of the songs. Am I supposed to listen to the "C1 is great" music as I age? Our toybox even has a large plaque that is engraved with the name "C1" on it. I felt like I would be stealing if I were to play with a toy out of "C1"s toybox. And, what made it worse is 99% of the pictures and photo albums had pictures of C1 in them... Until today! Mommy and Daddy took me to a photography studio to get my pictures done. I even posed naked! Now there is a big picture of ME right next to Daddy's desk. And Mommy is showing off the pictures to everyone she sees (C1 isnt in one of them he he). Im sure I will still have to learn to accept that I am #2, but today C1 is going to have to experience the back seat!

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